
Building an Object Model: No setters allowed

If you are using an object relational mapper or any other database abstraction technology that converts rows to objects, then you will probably use getter/setter methods or properties (C#) to encapsulate object properties.

Take a look at the default User entity from the Symfony2 FOSUserBundle plugin for example: A colossus of getter/setter methods with nearly no real business logic. This is how most of our persistence related objects look like in PHP. A Rails ActiveRecord such as Redmines "Issue" avoids the explicit getter/setters, however generates accessors magically for you. Nevertheless you have to add considerable amount of code to configure all the properties. And code using these active records becomes ambiguous as well.

Why do we use getters/setters so much?

  • Tools generate objects from a database, adding getters and setters automatically.
  • Frameworks make them automatically available for database records/rows.
  • IDEs can magically create getter/setter pairs for fields.
  • We want the flexibility to change every field whenever we want.
  • It became natural in OOP to have write access to every field.

However Getters/setters violate the open/closed principle, prevent information hiding and should be considered evil (Long version). Using getters and setters allows to decouples the business logic for setting values from the actual storage. Something that object-orientation was suppose to avoid.

Avoiding setters is much simpler than getters, so lets start with them.

One way to avoid writing setters is a task based approach to the model. Think of every task that is performed in an application and add a method that changes all the affected fields at once, to perform this task. In the famous blog example the Post object may look like:

class Post
    public function compose($headline, $text, array $tags)
        // check invariants, business logic, filters

        $this->headline = $headline;
        $this->text     = $text;
        $this->tags     = $tags;

    public function publish(\DateTime $onDate = null)
        // check invariants, business logic, filters

        $this->state       = "published";
        $this->publishDate = $onDate ?: new \DateTime("now");

The Post class is now much more protected from the outside and is actually much better to read and understand. You can clearly see the behaviors that exist on this object. In the future you might even be able to change the state of this object without breaking client code.

You could even call this code domain driven, but actually its just applying the SOLID principles to entities.

Avoiding getters is a bit more cumbersome and given no setters, maybe not worth the trouble anymore.

You still need getters to access the object state, either if you display models directly in the view or for testing purposes. There is another way to get rid of all the getters that you don't need explicitly in a domain model, using the visitor pattern in combination with view models:

class Post
    public function render(PostView $view)
        $view->id          = $this->id;
        $view->publishDate = $this->publishDate;
        $view->headline    = $this->headline;
        $view->text        = $this->text;
        $view->author      = $this->author->render(new AuthorView);

        return $view;

class PostView
    public $id;
    //... more public properties

There are drawbacks with this approach though:

  • Why use the Post model in memory, when you are only passing PostView instances to the controllers and views only anyways? Its much more efficient to have the database map to the view objects directly. This is what CQRS postulates as separation of read- and write model.
  • You have to write additional classes for every entity (Data transfer objects) instead of passing the entities directly to the view. But if you want to cleanly separate the model from the application/framework, you don't get around view model/data transfer objects anyways.
  • It looks awkward in tests at first, but you can write some custom assertions to get your sanity back for this task.

Some form frameworks like the Symfony2 or Zend Framework 2 ones map forms directly to objects and back. Without getters/setters this is obviously not possible anymore. However if you are decoupling the model from the framework, then using this kind of form framework on entities is a huge no go anyways.

Think back to the tasks we are performing on our Post entity:

  • Edit (title, body, tags)
  • Publish (publishDate)

Both tasks allow only a subset of the properties to be modified. For each of these tasks we need a custom form "model". Think of these models as command objects:

class EditPostCommand
    public $id;
    public $headline;
    public $text;
    public $tags = array();

In our application we could attach these form models to our form framework and then pass these as commands into our "real model" through a service layer, message bus or something equivalent:

class PostController
    public function editAction(Request $request)
        $post = $this->findPostViewModel($request->get('id'));

        // This could need some more automation/generic code
        $editPostCommand           = new EditPostCommand();
        $editPostCommand->id       = $request->get('id');
        $editPostCommand->headline = $post->headline;
        $editPostCommand->text     = $post->text;
        $editPostCommand->tags     = $post->tags;

        // here be the form framework handling...
        $form = $this->createForm(new EditPostType(), $editPostCommand);

        if (!$form->isValid()) {
            // invalid, show errors

        // here we invoke the model, finally, through the service layer

class PostService
    public function edit(EditPostCommand $command)
        $post = $this->postRepository->find($command->id);
        $post->compose($command->headline, $command->text, $command->tags);

This way we separated the business model from the application framework.

Rapid-application development or rapid prototyping is a wide-spread approach in web development. My explicit approach seems to be completely against this kind of development and much slower as well. But I think you don't loose much time in the long run:

  • Simple command objects can be code-generated or generated by IDEs in a matter of seconds. Or you could even extend ORMs code generation capabilities to generate these dummy objects for you. Since you don't need ORM mapping information for these objects or think about performance implications in context with the ORM, you don't need to spend much thinking about their creation.
  • Explicit models are much simpler to unit-test and those tests run much faster than tests through the UI that RAD prototypes need.
  • Generated Rapid prototypes can get hard to maintain quickly. That does not mean they are unmaintainable, but they seem to favour reimplementation instead of refactoring, something that leads to problems given the low code coverage that these prototypes normally have.

If we take a step back from all our tools suggesting to generate getter/setters we find that there is a simple way to avoid using setters when focusing on the tasks that objects perform. This actually makes our code much more readable and is one building block towards clean object oriented code and domain driven design.

I am very interested in your opinions on this topic and my attempt to avoid them, please leave comments when leaving this website :-)

Published: 2012-08-22 Tags: #ApplicationDesign