TL;DR: I was one voice for having strict type hints until I tried the current patch. From both a library and application developer POV they don't bring much to the table. I think PHP would be more consistent with weak type hints only.
These last weeks there have been tons of discussions about scalar type hints in PHP following Andrea Faulds RFC that is currently in voting. Most of them were limited to PHP Internals mailinglist but since the voting started some days ago much has also been said on Twitter and blogs.
This post is my completly subjective opinion on the issue.
I would have preferred strict type hints, however after trying the patch, I think that strict type hints
- will cause considerable problems for application developers, forcing them to "replicate weak type hinting" by manually casting everywhere.
- are useless for library developers, because they have to assume the user is in weak type mode.
- are useless within a library because I already know the types at the public API, weak mode would suffice for all the lower layers of my library.
Neither group of developers gets a considerable benefit from the current RFCs strict mode.
The simple reason for this, request, console inputs and many databases provide us with strings, casting has to happen somewhere. Having strict type hints would not save us from this, type juggling and casting has to happen and PHP's current approach is one of the main benefits of the language.
Lets look at an example of everyday framework code Full Code to support my case:
class UserController
public function listAction(Request $request)
$status = $request->get('status'); // this is a string
return [
'users' => $this->service->fetchUsers($status),
'total' => $this->service->fetchTotalCount($status)
class UserService
private $connection;
public function fetchUsers(int $status): array
$sql = 'SELECT, u.username FROM users u WHERE u.status = ? LIMIT 10';
return $this->connection->fetchAll($sql, [$status]);
public function fetchTotalCount(int $status): int
$sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM users u WHERE u.status = ?';
return $this->connection->fetchColumn($sql, [$status]); // returns a string
See how the code on UserService
is guarded by scalar typehints to enforce
having the right types inside the service:
is a flag to filter the result by and it is one of the integer constants, the type hint coerces an integer from the request string.fetchTotalCount()
returns an integer of total number of users matching the query, the type hint coerces an integer from the database string.
This code example only works with weak typehinting mode as described in the RFC.
Now lets enable strict type hinting to see how the code fails:
- Passing the string status from the request to UserSerice methods is rejected, we need to cast status to integer.
- Returning the integer from
fails because the database returns a string number. We need to cast to integer.
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to UserService::fetchUsers() must
be of the type integer, string given, called in /tmp/hints.php on line 22
and defined in /tmp/hints.php on line 37
Catchable fatal error: Return value of UserService::fetchTotalCount() must
be of the type integer, string returned in /tmp/hints.php on line 48
The fix everybody would go for is casting to (int)
public function listAction(Request $request)
$status = (int)$request->get('status'); // this is a string
return [
'users' => $this->service->fetchUsers($status),
'total' => $this->service->fetchTotalCount($status)
public function fetchTotalCount(int $status): int
$sql = 'SELECT count(*) FROM users u WHERE u.status = ?';
return (int)$this->connection->fetchColumn($sql, [$status]);
It feels to me that enabling strict mode completly defeats the purpose, because now we are forced to convert manually, reimplementing weak type hinting in our own code.
More important: We write code with casts already, the scalar type hints patch is not necessary for that! Only a superficial level of additional safety is gained, one additional check of something we already know is true!
Strict mode is useless for library developers, because I always have to assume weak mode anyways.
EDIT: I argued before that you have to check for casting strings to 0 when
using weak typehints. That is not necessary. Passing fetchTotalCount("foo")
will throw a catchable fatal error in weak mode already!
In a well designed application or library, the developer can already trust the types of his variables today, 95% of the time, without even having type hints, using carefully designed abstractions (example Symfony Forms and Doctrine ORM): No substantial win for her from having strict type hints.
In a badly designed application, the developer is uncertain about the types of variables. Using strict mode in this scenario she needs to start casting everywhere just to be sure. I cannot imagine the resulting code to look anything but bad. Strict would actually be counterproductive here.
I also see a danger here, that writing "strict mode" code will become a best practice and this might lead developers working on badly desigend applications to write even crappier code just to follow best practices.
As a pro strict mode developer I could argue:
- that libraries such as Doctrine ORM and Symfony Forms already abstract all the nitty gritty casting from request or database today. But I don't think that is valid: They are two of the most sophisticated PHP libraries out there, maybe used by 1-5% of the userbase. I don't want to force this level of abstraction on all users. I can't use this level myself all the time. Also if libraries already abstract this for us, why need to duplicate the checks again if we can trust the variables types?
- that I might have complex (mathematical) algorithms that benefit from strict type hinting. But that is not really true: Once the variables have passed through the public API of my fully typehinted library I know the types and can rely on them on all lower levels. Weak or strict type hinting doesn't make a difference anymore. Well designed libraries written in PHP5 already provide this kind of trust using carefully designed value objects and guard clauses.
- that using strict type in my library reduce the likelihood of bugs, but that is not guaranteed. Users of my library can always decide not to use strict type hints and that requires me as a library author to consider this use-case and prevent possible problems. Again using strict mode doesn't provide a benefit here.
- to write parts of the code in strict and parts in weak mode. But how to
decide this? Projects usually pick only one paradigm for good reason:
compatible code yes or no for example. Switching is arbitrary and dangerously inconsistent. As a team lead I would reject such kind of convention because it is impractible. Code that follows this paradigm in strict languages such as Java and C# has an aweful lot of converting methods such as$connection->fetchColumnAsInteger()
. I do not want to go down that road.
Supporters of strict mode only: Make sure to understand why this will never happen!
Say the current RFC gets rejected, would we benefit from a strict type hinting RFC? No, and the current RFC details the exact reasons why. Most notably for BC reasons all the PHP API will not use the new strict type hinting.
This current RFC is the only chance to get any kind of strict hinting into PHP. Yet with the limited usefullness as described before, we can agree that just having weak mode would be more consistent and therefore better for everyone.
I as PHP developer using frameworks and libraries that help me write type safe code today, strict typing appeals to me. But put to a test in real code it proves to be impractical for many cases, and not actually much more useful than weak type hinting in many other cases.
Weak types provide me with much of the type safety I need: In any given method, using only typehinted parameters and return values, I am safe from type juggling. As a library developer I have to assume caller uses weak mode all the time.
Having strict type hints suggests that we can somehow get rid of type juggling all together. But that is not true, because we still have to work with user input and databases.
The current RFC only introduced the extra strict mode because developers had a very negative reactions towards weak type hints. Strike me from this list, weak type hints are everything that PHP should have. I will go as far that others strict-typers would probably agree when actually working with the patch.
I would rather prefer just having weak types for now, this is already a big change for the language and would prove to be valuable for everyone.
I fear Strict mode will have no greater benefit than gamification of the language, the winner is the one with the highest percentage of strict mode code.